The good news is that it now takes care of daylight savings time automatically. Everyone's timezone has been reset, so you will need to go into your profile and update it.If you prefer, WYSIWYG mode for posting can be activated via the 'Look and Layout' profile settings page.No more lost posts! Drafts are also enabled for PMs but you'll need to manually save those with the 'Save Draft' button. Drafts are enabled for posts and will autosave every 30 seconds.You can now mention other users! If you are mentioned, you'll receive a notification.Two-factor authentication (2FA) can be enabled in the 'Account Settings' page in the profile menu.Next to that is the icon for PMs and then the bell for notifications, which can be received for various things (eg topics, replies, mentions, etc). Your profile is now accessed via the little picture in the top left corner.Here is a summary of the new features and other things you might need to know: The NSM Panel has also undergone a facelift as well as some major under-the-hood changes which will make it possible to push out updates and new features more easily in the future. The first thing you'll notice is that it has a responsive layout, which is a welcome improvement. Today we performed a long overdue upgrade of the forum to a newer version.